Da farko dai, da braking tasirin birki na iya kimantawa ta hanyar matakin sanyawa na rigunan birki. Wuce kima na birki na birki zai haifar da rage ƙarfin motsa jiki da kuma nesa mai ban dariya. A lokacin tuki na al'ada, ana iya yanke hukunci game da tuki na rigakafin birki na ta lura da abin da ke cikin birki. Under normal circumstances, the wear thickness of the brake pads should be kept within a certain range, beyond which the brake pads need to be replaced.
Secondly, the braking effect can be evaluated by the friction coefficient of the brake pads. The friction between the brake pads and the brake discs will determine the effect of the brakes. If the friction coefficient of the brake pads is too low, it will lead to insufficient braking force and feel that the brakes are not sensitive; Idan madaidaicin abin tashin hankali ya yi yawa, zai haifar da tashin hankali mai yawa tsakanin pad na birki da diski, har ma yana haifar da gazawar birki. Therefore, by understanding the friction coefficient of brake pads, the braking effect of brake pads can be preliminarily evaluated.
Bugu da kari, ana iya kimanta tasirin braking ta hanyar gwada karfin braking na birki na birki. Under safe conditions, you can choose an open place for brake testing. During the test, accelerate the vehicle appropriately and then brake suddenly to observe the effect of the vehicle's braking. The greater the braking force, the better the braking effect. At the same time, you can also observe whether there will be abnormal noise, shaking and other conditions when braking, which is also one of the important indicators to evaluate the brake effect of the brake pad.
Bugu da kari, da braking tasirin birki na iya kimantawa ta hanyar bincika ruwan birki. Rankar birki muhimmiyar hanya ce mai kyau don adanawa da watsa ƙarfin ƙarfin birki a cikin tsarin birki. If the brake fluid quality is poor or the pollution is serious, it will affect the working efficiency of the brake system, resulting in weak braking force. Therefore, regularly checking the quality and level of the brake fluid and keeping the brake fluid clean is an important part of evaluating the braking effect of the brake pads.
In addition, in the daily driving process, you can also preliminarily evaluate the braking effect of the brake pads by observing the action and effect of the vehicle braking. Idan lokacin da braking, abin hawa yaudara da kyau lokacin da braking, kuma babu wani fili Jitter ko bakin teku na bakin teku, to, babban tasirin yayi kyau. A akasin wannan, idan akwai sauti mara kyau lokacin da braking, thean wasan braking yana ƙara girman kai ne ko kuma abin hawa, yana iya zama ƙarancin aikin bashin da yake yi.
In summary, to determine whether the braking effect of the brake pads of the car is good, it can be evaluated from the wear degree of the brake pads, the friction coefficient of the brake pads, the brake force test, the inspection of the brake fluid, and the observation of the vehicle brake action and effect. Ta la'akari da waɗannan abubuwan sosai, zai iya zama mafi daidai don yin hukunci ko wannan tafki na katako na katako yana da kyau kuma inganta amincin abin hawa.
Lokaci: Feb-21-2025